5th International Open Everything event, a global conversation about the art, science and spirit of ‘open’.
The conversation covered ‘things’ built using openness, participation and self-organisation. People presented stories around open technology, media, education, workplace design, philanthropy, public policy and politics.
Take aways to think about
– how do we trade and share, and which one do we choose to do when?
– open in (Dell ideastorm), open out (wikipedia)
– reduce barrier to entry and increase motivation to contribute – when the lines cross you get participation.
Glyn Moody http://opendotdotdot.blogspot.com/ is a technology writer. He is best known for his book Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution (2001). It describes the evolution and significance of the free
software and open source movements with many interviews of all the notable hackers.
Historically the biggest factors reducing openess came from the enclosures of land (statute of Merton 13 century), artistic endeavor (copyright) and scientific knowledge (patents).
statute of anne 1710 – first reference to copyright – 14 years plus option for further 14.
google – James Watt Nuvolari – story of how patents stopped all innovation on Steam Engines.
google – against intellectual monopoly – a book on why intellectual property reduces innovation.
*we started with openess, we lost it, but current trends are showing an interest in returning to openess – the earth as an open commons
speed geek
Anna Maybank – Social Innovation Camp http://www.sicamp.org/
Kennisland http://www.kennisland.nl/en/index.html
One World http://uk.oneworld.net/
Rufus Pollock http://www.rufuspollock.org/ is a Founding Director of the Open Knowledge Foundation and Mead Fellow in Economics at Emmanuel College, Cambridge University. His research focuses on innovation and IP, with particular attention to open models of innovation. Other areas of particular interest include two-sided/platform industries (e.g. Operating Systems, Search Engines), and research on happiness and well-being.
internet backbone – google relied on to build product and the idea that the data was open so they could index it – some companies are now trying to sue them saying that they should have seeked approval first… imagine that.
benevolent dictator for life – python creator
wealth and happiness – stats from 1975-88 show that whilst US economy doubled the levels of happiness did not change. (source: GSS)
Charles Leadbeater http://www.charlesleadbeater.net/ is a leading authority on innovation and creativity. He has advised companies, cities and governments around the world on innovation strategy and drawn on that experience in writing his latest book We-think: the power of mass creativity, which charts the rise of mass, participative approaches to innovation from science and open source software, to computer games and political
if you dont want to read the book watch the youtube video… one comment asked when do we share and when do we trade – interesting issue.
austrian manufacturer making open source office furniture.
dangers of openess are a) they are very fragile, b) the coopting of the idea – once it grows it often changes
dell idea storm – 10000 ideas from outside the company – an example of open in (using openess to drive product development) the opposite is open out when ideas are shared outwards (e,g, linux wikipedia…)
4 things to think about – with who, what, method, motivation
does the current economic model deny the value of the commons – e.g. the social benefit of academia and government strategically investing in research.
happiness and the recognition economy
“open systems are cheaper, more adaptive and generally lead to increased innovation” CL
for a business is open source / open innovation just a means an to end or is it a cultural change in values
Brave New Collaboration http://www.bravenewcollaboration.com/ – video survey of opinions from the US in 2008 to the open / participatory process of design.
the opportunities for collaboration are huge – and todays drivers of change are huge problems that could benefit from that.
reduce barrier to entry and increase motivation to contribute – when the lines cross you get participation.
google – social source commons
Geoff Mulgan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoff_Mulgan is director of the Young Foundation http://www.youngfoundation.org.uk/. He was previously director of the British prime minister’s Strategy Unit, head of the Performance and Innovation Unit in the Cabinet Office and the prime minister’s adviser on social policy. He was the founder and director of Demos, and is the author of several books including Connexity (Harvard Business Press, 1998) and Politics in an Antipolitical age (Polity, 1994).
Tom Steinberg http://www.mysociety.org/moin.cgi/TomSteinberg is the founder and director of mySociety http://blog.okfn.org/founder%20and%20director, a charitable body that runs many of the best-known democracy websites in the UK, from WriteToThem.com, to PledgeBank.com to the volunteer-founded TheyWorkForYou.com to the No10 petitions website. MySociety’s missions are to build websites which give people simple, tangible benefits in the democratic and community aspects of their lives, and which teach the public and voluntary sector how they can use technology better to help citizens.
Richard Allen http://www.richardallan.org.uk/ is Chair of the Power Of Information Task Force. He used to be MP for Sheffield Hallam and served as the Liberal Democrat Spokesman on Information Technology. He has spoken and written regularly on a broad range of technology related subjects and takes a particular interest in the development of e-democracy and e-government. Between October 2004 and October 2005 he was an academic visitor to the Oxford Internet Institute. In September 2005 he started employment with Cisco Systems as their Head of Government Affairs for UK and Ireland.
showusabetterway.co.uk – competition for how to use government data – closed sept 2008, 400 ideas, promoted heavily by Guardian, report in todays Guardian tech supplement. interested in the sustainable view – how to make sure these public services developed in house and externally continue to be used.
Robin – 2 quests
– obama has introduced a new peer to peer way of getting elected, but now he is in power how does he govern using these principles? (actually over half the campaign was still putting the adverts on the tv at the right time)
– the economics of openness – how to get a community to start taking action? – the community needs to already exist before it can do something hard – that is why pledgebank.co.uk only allows you to get together with 10 others for your first pledges.
Dept Work Pensions – the right to bid project – any group of people can get together to bid to do something better.
collaborative urban design – upmystreet.co.uk – some people are asking for their built environment to be improved.
Helen King http://helenking.wordpress.com/ is Principle Advisor at the Shuttleworth Foundation http://www.shuttleworthfoundation.org/ and has over ten
years worth of experience working with international NGOs and agencies. She is driven by the belief that open technologies, content and processes have vast benefits and value to offer education, economies and communities in Africa.
Charles Armstrong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Armstrong Founder of http://www.circus-foundation.org/ + CEO of Trampoline Systems http://www.trampolinesystems.com/
Maslaha http://www.youngfoundation.org/our-work/research/themes/belonging-and-identity/maslaha/maslaha
NESTA http://www.nesta.org.uk/
Think Public http://thinkpublic.com/news/
The People Speak http://theps.net/