1 gateway and 4 sensor motes running. Having trouble deciphering code to get all sensors working. Have tried to use the XMesh samples as my base. Used the tutorial file (containing the temp only code) and expand it to include the other stuff. All the examples seem to be slightly different implementations though so figuring out what is and what is not required has been tough. Had some fun at one point trying to figure out that the x in AccelX had to be capitalised…..
Ended up reverting back to the MTS300 sensor board sample files and using those with XMesh – there is also some other stuff going on in there (performance assessment) – but have hard coded the timer rate since i could not figure out how to define APP_RATE (i think you do it via the header file ***.h but could not get it working – logged a call to the crossbow help desk)
code finally up and running. have chosen a 30 sec interval for timer firing. interested in the implications for battery life – btw will need to look at low power stuff (is it possible on micaz?) otherwise batteries only last a few days….
next step – 20 nodes and get sampling over a couple of days…..